Answer :
Primary sector- coal miner, farmer, fisher. Secondary sector- oil refinery worker, carpenter, chef (can also go under tertiary). Tertiary sector- teacher, doctor, architect, police officer. Quaternary sector- financial consultant, market researcher
Economic sectors
Primary Sector:
Any industry engaged in the extraction and production of raw materials, such as agriculture, logging, fishing, forestry, and mining, is considered to be a part of the primary sector of the economy.
Therefore, coal miner, farmer and fisher comes under primary sector.
Secondary Sector:
Natural goods are transformed through production into a variety of useful forms in the "Secondary Sector."
Therefore, oil refinery worker and carpenter comes under primary sector.
Tertiary Sector:
The portion of the economy known as the tertiary sector involves the exchange of services rather than products.
Therefore, teacher, doctor, architect and police officer comes under primary sector.
Quaternary Sector:
The economic activity based on an intellectual or knowledge-based economy is known as the quaternary sector. This type of labour entails the conception, creation, interpretation, organisation, direction, and transmission of information with the aid of scientific and technological knowledge.
Therefore, financial consultant and market researcher comes under primary sector.
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