Create two classes. The first, named Sale, holds data for a sales transaction. Its private data members include the day of the month, amount of the sale, and the salesperson's ID number. The second class, named Salesperson, holds data for a salesperson, and its private data members include each salesperson's ID number and last name. Each class includes a constructor to which you can pass the field values. Create a friend function named display()that is a friend of both classes and displays the date of sale, the amount, and the salesperson ID and name. Write a short main()demonstration program to test your classes and friend function.Sample Run
Sale #103 on 12/25/2016 for $559.95 sold by #103 Woods
Sale #106 on 11/15/2016 for $359.95 sold by #106 Hansen

Answer :



A C++ program was used in creating two classes. the code is stated below.



The C++ program is executed below:


using namespace std;

//declare class (will be define later)

class Salesperson;

//class Sale

class Sale


  //private members of class


      string day;

      double amtOfSale;

      int salesPersonId;

 //public methods


      //constructor that takes day,amount of sale and salesPersonId as parameters

      Sale(string date,double sale,int id)


          //set the private members to the initial values passed





      //declare a friend function that takes objects of the two classes as parameters

      friend void display(Sale,Salesperson);


//define class Salesperson

class Salesperson


  //private members of the class


      int salesPersonId;

      string lastName;    

  //public methods


      //constructor that takes name and id as parameters

      Salesperson(int id,string name)


          //set the members of the class with the parameters passed




      //declare a friend function that takes objects of the two classes as parameters

      friend void display(Sale,Salesperson);


//define the friend funtion

void display(Sale saleObj,Salesperson personObj)


  //display the sales info using the objects of the two classes

  cout<<"\nSale #"<<saleObj.salesPersonId<<" on "<<<<" for $"<<saleObj.amtOfSale<<" sold by #"<<personObj.salesPersonId<<" "<<personObj.lastName;


int main()


  //create object for Sale class and pass default values

  Sale sObj1("12/25/2016",559.95,103);

  //create object for Salesperson class and pass default values

  Salesperson pObj1(103,"Woods");


  //create another object for Sale class and pass default values

  Sale sObj2("11/15/2016",359.95,106);

  //create another object for Salesperson class and pass default values

  Salesperson pObj2(106,"Hansen");

  //using the friend function dislay the sales info



  return 0;


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