Answer :
Yesterday, I was in detention for allegedly being disrespectful with a teacher in classes. I could not see why the big deal of the whole situation. I only had told the teacher to “go a do something better with her life instead of trying to change who I really was, and I that was not meant for student life”. I reviewed my words, my tone and I could not find anything really dire on the situation, I admitted it was quite inappropriate, but not disrespectful. There I was in the detention room when the faculty member in charge of the detention classroom looked at me and asked me why I looked so upset, I confessed him that I felt this detention was an overreaction to a minor incident. He told me a story that changed the way I will see teachers for the rest of my life. He told me that my teacher had suffered the passing away of her husband just a day before and that instead of taking some days off to mourn her dead spouse, she came to the school and continued teaching because that was what her husband had asked her to do before passing away. It was then when I understood the gravity if my words. Many times we say and do things without thinking that everybody might be dealing with sad events in their lives.